Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Plastic bag!

Thats just the work in progress-name and that progress is almost over! I have used up 4-5 big rolls of tape, 50 gluesticks for the gluegun(not the puny ones, but the big industrial ones), 3 gallons of paint and a few feathers to make a nice little 2 minute long stop-motion animation.

But what is it about? It´s about seeing things from a different view and finding big happiness in small things. yes, it sounds a bit cheesy, and that´s why I have chosen silly little birds to tell the story!

Come to Fellingsbro and see the première the 4th of June!


by Stfn said...

I'll be there - count in it!

Anna said...

Såg den på västernorrlands uttagning till novemberfestivalen. Det var den bästa filmen av alla :)